Menopause and Hair Loss
It is hard enough for us women to go through the changes but to experience hair loss too during this time can be extremely demoralising and distressing.
Heres what happens…
Oestrogen is a key hormone for keeping our hair at the growth phase for as long as possible. This will ensure stronger, healthier hair. However during menopause our oestrogen levels decrease, shortening the growth phase and our hair becomes much more sensitive, fragile and start to reduce the size of the hair follicle. This in turn produces finer hair and over time, thinning hair and even hair loss.
Healthy hair in its’ growth phase.
Contact us to book an in-depth video consultation
This consultation will allow us to assess your hair and scalp, hair loss and discuss your medical history. We will also discuss what you are hoping to achieve and which treatment programme will work best for you.